See you in 2024!

JSHeroes 2024 will take place on the 23th and 24th of May 2024! Early bird tickets are available on our page.

Looking forward to seeing you all in Cluj, for two memorable days of quality content, good vibes and amazing community interactions!

Looking Back at 2023

If you've never been to one of our events before, or you're just nostalgic thinking back, here's a little treat for you.

Our 2024 speakers

  • Aleksandra Sikora Open-source Developer The Guild
    Aleksandra Sikora Open-source Developer @ The Guild

    Aleksandra is an open-source developer at The Guild. Previously a tech lead for the Hasura Console and a lead maintainer of Blitz.js. Deeply passionate about open-source, TypeScript and dedicated to staying up to date with the JavaScript ecosystem. In love with all things climbing, and hiking.

  • Artem Zakharchenko JavaScript Engineer
    Artem Zakharchenko JavaScript Engineer

    Hi! My name is Artem. I’m a self-taught software engineer. I’ve built this thing called Mock Service Worker, which has changed the lives of developers all around the world. I’m extremely thankful for that. I love testing, and I love writing and teaching about it even more. And coffee, yes, I like that one as well.

  • Bramus Van Damme Chrome DevRel Google
    Bramus Van Damme Chrome DevRel @ Google

    Bramus Van Damme is a web developer from Belgium. From the moment he discovered view-source at the age of 14 (way back in 1997), he fell in love with the web and has been tinkering with it ever since.

    As a Chrome Developer Relations Engineer at Google, he spreads the word on CSS, UI, and DevTools. Before joining Google, Bramus worked as a freelance developer in various front- and backend roles. For seven years he also was a College Lecturer Web & Mobile, educating undergrad students all about HTML, CSS, and JavaScript — in that order.

  • Eva Ferreira Front-end Lead Engineer mabl
    Eva Ferreira
    Eva Ferreira Front-end Lead Engineer @ mabl

    Eva Ferreira is a Front-end engineer and professor. She currently works as a UI Lead Developer and has been teaching web technologies at the National Technological University of Argentina for more than ten years.

  • Rachel Nabors Director of Developer Education Clerk
    Rachel Nabors Director of Developer Education @ Clerk

    Rachel Nabors has worked web standards and opensource with Mozilla, the W3C, Microsoft, and lead the new React and React Native docs at and with the core teams at Meta. Their dream is to teach the world to code so others may create a future we can all believe in. Currently they lead Developer Education at Clerk.

  • Ramón Huidobro Software Engineering and Developer Relations Consultant
    Ramón Huidobro Software Engineering and Developer Relations Consultant

    Ramón Huidobro is a developer advocate and deved enthusiast. He thrives on lifting others up in their tech careers and loves a good CSS challenge. Always excited to talk about teaching tech, especialmente en Español, oder auf Deutsch.

  • Tejas Kumar Web Expert
    Tejas Kumar
    Tejas Kumar Web Expert

    Tejas Kumar is an international keynote speaker with an engineering background spanning 22 years, from design to frontend to backend to devops. Today, Tejas shares talks at large with developer communities worldwide, equipping them to do their best work.

  • Tero Parviainen Software Developer Counterpoint
    Tero Parviainen Software Developer @ Counterpoint

    Tero Parviainen is a software developer in music, media, and the arts. Tero co-runs Counterpoint, a practice concentrated on audiovisual experience design and development. At Counterpoint, Tero has been involved in creating many audiovisual artistic works, some of them award-winning, as well as projects and platforms that employ generative music to advance wellness and mental health.

Our support crew for 2024

  • Anjana Vakil MC
    Anjana Vakil
    Anjana Vakil MC

    A chronically curious teacher-turned-developer, Anjana is a polyglot software engineer & public speaker who spreads the joy of coding at events worldwide. She`s an alumna of the Recurse Center & Outreachy and an avid karaoke enthusiast.

  • Ioana Chiorean MC
    Ioana Chiorean
    Ioana Chiorean MC

    Ioana is an engineer manager flavored in communities, and devrel, that has more than 12 years of experience in tech with a specialization in mobile apps and web. Besides her daily job, she dedicates her time to building tech communities and improving the access to education. She is the Module Owner for Mozilla Reps, one of the alumna of MozTechSpeakers, and stands as an ambassador for CodeWeek at the European Commission.

    In her free time, she contributes to Open Source, tech or sports events, and different volunteering programs. all these while enjoying a coffee or a good wine.

  • Mădălina Țânțăreanu Sketch Artist
    Mădălina Țânțăreanu
    Mădălina Țânțăreanu Sketch Artist

    Mădălina is a Romanian illustrator living in Berlin, Germany. She’s been working with us since the first edition, creating live sketches for each talk during the event. Check out some of her work from past editions in our special facebook album.

And our awesome ambassadors

An amazing group of people that ensure top knotch content at the event every year

  • Andrei Antal Ambassador
    Andrei Antal
    Andrei Antal Ambassador
  • Andrei Pfeiffer Ambassador
    Andrei Pfeiffer
    Andrei Pfeiffer Ambassador
  • Benedek Gagyi Ambassador
    Benedek Gagyi
    Benedek Gagyi Ambassador
  • Carmen Popoviciu Ambassador
    Carmen Popoviciu
    Carmen Popoviciu Ambassador

    Carmen is an emoji hyper-user disguised as a web developer in real life. She enjoys building things on the web and does exactly that on the Pages team at Cloudflare. If you are ever stranded on a remote island and have only three attempts to recover your master password, the secret key code is “dance”.

  • Jeremias Menichelli Ambassador
    Jeremias Menichelli
    Jeremias Menichelli Ambassador

    He developed interest in the web back when a dial-up modem was the fastest thing on the planet. Now, he has more than a decade of experience building web products of all kinds and lately working in design systems, performance, education and community.

  • Sara Vieira Ambassador
    Sara Vieira
    Sara Vieira Ambassador

The journey to a mature ecosystem

After we reflected in 2023 on the past 10 years of frontend developement, in 2024 we want to spotlight some of the established patterns and architectures that reached maturity and are becoming industry standards.

Leaving behind us the tumultuous growth of the JS ecosystem we will focus on the positive outcomes of all the years of challenging “best practices”. We want to bring on stage talks about design patterns and system architecture, but also web standards and language advancements. Along with these, we want to tackle software complexity and dealing with legacy code and legacy systems.

At JSHeroes, we always ventured outside the pure language ecosystem, so expect to see a variety of talks covering the entire landscape of web development and JavaScript as a universal programming language.

But of course, we will not neglect the human side of things, in our effort to paint a full picture for the development community in 2024.

Speak at JSHeroes

An open-source community event

JSHeroes is a non-profit community-organized conference, held every year in Cluj, Romania. Our goal is to bring together JS and Web/Frontend development enthusiasts from all over the world for a two day event with: great talks, amazing networking and tons of fun. You bring your ideas and desire to learn, we provide the relaxed atmosphere and the good vibes.

We believe that the community and the open-source models are well suited for our core values: learning, teaching and knowledge sharing. Our mission is to inspire other communities with the concept of open-source events.

We’re publishing all data about this conference, in full transparency. We are also available at any time for inquires and we’re really looking forward to sharing our knowledge about organizing international events. This way, whenever a community wants to start something similar, they can build on our knowledge.

Ecma, JSHeroes mascot wearing a space suit

Event sponsors

These are the companies that support our event financially through the €3,000 standard package.
If you are interested in supporting us, check out our sponsorship brochure for more information.

Event partners

To be announced

Media partners

The communities that support our event

Venue and facilities

We are hosting the JSHeroes 2024 conference at the Grand Hotel Italia, Vasile Conta Street number 2, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.

See directions on Google Maps.

Meet the team

  • Ale Retegan
    Ale Retegan
    Ale Retegan Organizer

    Alexandra is a dynamic and passionate individual who has taken on the role of the main organizer of JS Heroes. With a background in project management and a deep love for the tech industry, Alexandra has a keen eye for detail and an unwavering commitment to excellence, which means that no stone is left unturn and no piece of information about the event is tracked in a spreadsheet.

  • Alex Moldovan
    Alex Moldovan
    Alex Moldovan Organizer

    Alex is one of the founders of JSHeroes and coordinates the effort behind the content of each edition. During the event, he will occasionally pick up the microphone and introduce speakers, but he prefers to keep a watchful eye over the conference, to make sure everything is on time and the event is as smooth as possible.

    He works as a Frontend Engineer at CodeSandbox, where he gets to practice his passion for both sides of the user experience vs developer experience dilemma.

  • Alex Paușan
    Alex Paușan
    Alex Paușan Organizer
  • Alexandra Mînzat
    Alexandra Mînzat
    Alexandra Mînzat Organizer

    Alexandra is a lovely “sunny” person, she’s our admin girl, on board with JSHeroes since 2017.

    Her aim is to make sure everything is done on time, the speakers arrive and leave safely, and urgent matters are attended to during the entire conference week.

  • Alexandru Lupu
    Alexandru Lupu
    Alexandru Lupu Organizer
  • Ana Cojuhari
    Ana Cojuhari
    Ana Cojuhari Organizer
  • Anamaria Oros
    Anamaria Oros
    Anamaria Oros Organizer

    Ana is a dedicated volunteer who has been involved with the JSHeroes conference from the very beginning. Her initial role was to take care of the traveling arrangements of the conference speakers, earning her the affectionate nickname “trip advisor”. However, Ana’s life changed when she became a mother, which made it challenging for her to continue with her initial responsibilities. Nevertheless, she remained committed to the conference and continued to volunteer her time whenever she could, taking on any tasks that were available.

    Despite the challenges of motherhood and the demands of her busy schedule, Ana remained dedicated to the conference and always showed up with a positive attitude and a willingness to help wherever needed. Her hard work and dedication were greatly appreciated by everyone involved, and she was admired for her ability to balance multiple responsibilities and still make time to give back to the community.

  • Claudia Țicle
    Claudia Țicle
    Claudia Țicle Organizer

    Claudia loves people and has a strong sense of curiosity. Believes that design and technology are changing the world. For 💙JSHeroes💙 she 🌔gravitates towards visual design and content usability.

  • Daniel Mocan
    Daniel Mocan
    Daniel Mocan Organizer

    Daniel mostly focuses on the JSHeroes local meetups, but during the conference gives a helping hand where it is needed. He is usually in charge of the JSHeroes Blood Donation campaign.

    He works as Full Stack JavaScript developer, with React on the frontend and Node on the server side.

  • Eliza Nițoi
    Eliza Nițoi
    Eliza Nițoi Organizer
  • Florin Tomozei
    Florin Tomozei Organizer

    Florin participated at the conference from the beginning and was impressed by the incredible community around it. With his previous volunteering experience, in 2023 he decided to join the team and help.

    In the meantime, he works as a software engineer at Wolfpack Digital and occasionally finds some time for one of his passions, photography.

  • Irina Georgescu
    Irina Georgescu
    Irina Georgescu Organizer
  • Melania Moldovan
    Melania Moldovan
    Melania Moldovan Organizer
  • Nicoleta Ungur
    Nicoleta Ungur Organizer
  • Oana Muntean
    Oana Muntean
    Oana Muntean Organizer
  • Oana Șipoș
    Oana Șipoș
    Oana Șipoș Organizer
  • Radu Blana
    Radu Blana
    Radu Blana Organizer

    Radu joined the JSHeroes community in 2023 and never looked back. He appreciates the high level of interest, commitment, and fun that everybody in the JSHeroes ecosystem promotes, and is keen to be at its core for the years to come. He is passionate about everything in the Web space, from the bare bits that built up UIs, to UX research and design, developer productivity, healthy work environments and many more. During the event he helps looking after the speakers, making sure that the flow of the conference is as good on stage as it is back-stage. Radu is a UI Developer turned UX designer and Product Owner, currently setting up the bases of a technology consulting business called Bridgeford.

  • Vlad Ionescu
    Vlad Ionescu
    Vlad Ionescu Organizer

    Vlad has been helping organize the event three years running, being the man behind the scenes. Vlad is also in charge of all social events/parties, so if you want to find out where to get a beer in Cluj, Vlad is your man. You can also come find Vlad if you want to talk about LEGO, basketball or video games.

    He works as a Full-Stack Engineer at FanDuel, where he gets to have fun doing a bit of everything.